Sunday, August 15, 2010

WOO HOO!!! 8-15

Another tiring day but we finished!!!!!  I painted the last 3 doors today, the front door turned out really nice and we touched up the trim where the new flooring has gone in, then Larry hauled all our mess either to the trash, the shed or into the master bathroom.  The master bathroom will be a project unto itself and we'll tackle that after we get settled a bit...we think, so for now we stuff things in there so they'll be out of the way.

I was feeling a little emotional today and it wasn't because I was turning 51, it was more about not being anywhere I can be with friends or family on my birthday.  I've missed the ceremonial fun of celebrating my birthday, silly to some maybe and it used to seem that way to me, but I find it matters to me and after years of saying I don't want to put anyone out etc...for some reason this year it is THE HELL WITH THAT DRIVEL!!!  So next year I'd better see some of you on or near my birthday...ha ha ha!

I dug out my yearly pictures from birthdays past...these are '66 or '67.  I threw in a few more pics of our progress now that it is "cleaned" up for the arrival of the carpet tomorrow.  The kitchen will look better with appliances and doors to the pantry and laundry room....they are coming eventually.

Tomorrow I may just sit out on the deck and watch the trees, bugs, animals and carpet installation....or I could start pulling up star thistle...hmmmm.  Larry has to take the truck in to have another of its glow plugs replaced...number 6 of 8...two to go....the rats.  They know they are going to go bad yet they won't replace all of them...only after they fail.

The laundry room counter/cabinet I refinished.

Me, Cousin Kim and Lori

The master bath
My cousin Pat, I'm 8 here so she is 17...dresses at Frontier Village!

In a few days we plan on getting our stuff out of storage.  After the carpet goes in we'll wash down the cabinets, floors and dust all the surfaces so it is all shiny clean for our stuff.  I am so glad I thought to put tarps over everything in storage because it is all coated in dust and dirt.  We have mini blinds to install and then one of these days I'll look for curtains/drapes and we still need a light fixture for the master bedroom and we need to get the screens fixed and several screens made.....more to do, more to do!


Juanita said...

Now, this is the Val I remember...and for the record, what's wrong with wanting people around, celebrations and such as we reach these yearly milestones????

ALWAYS, always, things to do!! But it is looking so great!

Anonymous said...

I have always loved birthdays so I'd love to see you next year. And it just so happens that your cousin Steph is looking into Coloma for Mike's annual reunion, always the 2nd weekend in August so we could hang out afterwords (on a different location of course). We just got back from this year's reunion up down in Groveland - too far for me at this point in my recovery! Plus problems with the brand new coach - I hate getting all the bugs worked out - I forgot about all this when we decided to take this plunge!
I loved the picture of us together! Can you believe we dressed like that for Frontier Village???? Next year at your beautiful new home, we can post before and after shots(using your property as the new Frontier Village) of how not only the clothing has changed but the bodies that go into it!!
Love your cousin, Pat


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...