Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Still Painting 8-3

It was 101 here today and I had my head stuffed in the kitchen cabinets trying to reach the back of the shelves with acrylic-poxy paint. I don't like contact paper and this paint sounds like a wonderful easy to clean alternative....it just isn't something I enjoy doing.

The rest of the day was prepping and cutting in around trim and the ceiling. Larry has almost all of the ceilings done. We ordered the flooring today, so it'll get done after the cabinets and they will be refaced on Mon/tues. I guess I am starting to get back in shape...I'm not as draggy today, ibuprofen is my friend. I wish I could bring myself to have a glass of wine in the evening...one of these days...a teeny mental hurdle.

Tomorrow some construction and more painting...maybe some shopping, we have to get more supplies and pick out new light fixtures.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...