We had a night of sleep interrupted by about 6 or 7 bouts of barking from the neighbors German Shepherd. She has barked occasionally but usually stops soon, the owner must have been gone, because she would just keep going...Larry gets to practically barking back (hates dogs barking forever). With dogs having such good hearing ....and really not expecting this to work, I just leaned out our door and loudly went SHHHH. The barking stopped, and as long as she was barking near our shared property line she apparently could hear me and would stop. Smart dogs those German Shepherds.
Lots to do today, not sleeping so we just got up at 6. I had my list and trundled off to town, paint stores and hardware stores are open early...I didn't leave until after 7 some time and I was back by 9 and I didn't even make a detour to Starbucks...Larry was shocked. So we were armed with gallons of primer and gallons of wall paint and cans of texture stuff...plenty to do with all that!
The contractor was back to finish yesterday's job and put the shelf in the window wall we had altered. Larry and I spackled away, primered and rebuilt the laundry rooms sink cabinet. Rather than replace it...its just a laundry room sink/cabinet I decided to try and paint it. So today I bought special primer to put on the ugly formica...there isn't that much, it is all taken up with sink. But first I sanded the two doors and the rest of the thing and then primered the whole works. I'll paint it tomorrow and hopefully it won't look like crap....or Larry will be building a new sink cabinet.
We aren't doing much in the master bathroom right away...we'll probably paint it for now. Today we got the living room primered and the guest bedroom and finished primering the family room. Just have the guest bathroom and my art room to primer and then we should be able to get down to painting.
Monday and Tuesday the kitchen cabinets get refaced, Thurs. and Friday the laminate flooring gets laid in the kitchen, dining and laundry room and then the follow Monday....I think, the carpet gets laid in the master, guest bedroom, the living room and the family room. Hopefully somewhere in there we'll remember to get the stove and dishwasher ordered and delivered and then we should be able to get to Fallon and break our stuff out of storage. THEN we might start feeling like we really live here.
The deer that hang around here are getting used to us. The first week or so every time I stepped out of the trailer or walked around the house I startled the deer and they startled me...then I would see them and they would watch me but not worry about me too much...today I walked out of the trailer, never even seeing the crazy deer until I was just about six feet from them...they just stood there watching me.
We painted until the sun went down...thank god there aren't but a few light fixtures in the house...no light, we HAD to quit. Spent an hour or so here on the computer catching up with friends...which I love doing and now it is off to stretch out these tired aching bones and muscles. Ahhhhh, it always feels so good....ha ha!
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