Monday, August 23, 2010

One month today 8-23

One month today and we still aren't living in the house...but at least we have it looking and feeling like our home now.  We are just tired and sore...and tired of being tired and sore...we would like to just kick back a day or two but I am thinking that isn't going to happen any time soon.

Today Larry worked on the new doors for the pantry and the laundry room...he is frustrated trying to do what needs doing with the wrong or limited tools...he got rid of most of them when we hit the road ...all the electric ones, compressor etc., so he is going to have to start building up his collection again...but he did a fine job none the less.  I unpacked my books and did laundry...still have to take care of the regular things...the last few days we have been living on salad and taquitos...have to get to the store!

Larry returned the rental truck and we did some shopping...found some lampshades and I bought a few plants to help clear out the air in the house...  We had dinner/lunch at Chevy's...we don't ever go there.

This evening I chopped back an Oleander and raked up oak debris from our work yesterday and am going to bed early.  The next few days are going to be topping 100, so we want to get our work done early...we are keeping the windows in the house open and the fans going and we hope the heat will bake out that nasty new carpet smell/fumes thing that is going on in there.  We get a little punky working in there too long from all the chemicals in all the new stuff.  Driving down windy highway 49 while feeling out of your body isn't a good thing!  When it gets too hot I plan on hanging out in the trailer with the a/c on...well after the store I guess...dang it.

So I think I am rambling....didn't even take any pictures today...ta ta for now!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...