Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weird Weather 8-24

So here I am at light:thirty getting ready to go in and paint two more doors. Have been up since dark:thirty, we are working to beat the heat today.

Two mornings ago it was 55 and today's low is 68. We are going to be in the 100's the next few days and then over the weekend plummet to 20 degrees below normal...somewhere in the low 70's...a weird weather year for sure. And NO major fires and August is almost gone...very very strange.

We are keeping the house open to bake the next few days so when it gets really hot I plan on kicking back here in the trailer with the air conditioner doing something recreational...read maybe or write....oh, I have to pick out 4 or 5 photos of our travels to enlarge and frame. Just before we moved I found 5 large frames with glass in a thrift store for 5 bucks each....gonna spray the frames and viola....I was going to say really cheap, but I think I may have to get the matte's cut special as the frames are odd sized....hmmm, I'll have to remember to measure.

Off I go....... Have a lovely day all!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...