Friday, August 27, 2010

Played in the mud 8-27

I did one batteries worth of weed eating this morning....the area I was in was like the bush...the weeds were almost as tall as me...these batteries don't last very long...about as long as my arms though so works for me!  It is too dry to mow them...Larry is concerned about hitting a rock and starting a fire, which would be good on a small scale...just our weeds, but bad if it took off, so we'll have to wait and keep plugging away bit by bit with the weed eater.

The oleanders that were pruned yesterday
Larry had hauled all the oleander branches up to the burn pile this morning before I got up.  Then I decided to get the weeds off of the pile of topsoil that is in the way next to the driveway...previously left by the previous owners...we need to get it moved.  I used some of it in planting my Rosemary and Lavender plants along the end of the house next to the drive needed something bad and deer don't eat them and they won't get big and get in the way of painting next year and other maintenance.  We first had to scrape out the mound that was there along the length of the wall and then dig the holes...Larry helped or I would have spread the work out over a few mornings.  We planted 13 one gallon plants and then I stuck in 6 little dahlias for a spot of color and to see if the deer would sample them.

The deweeded mound of topsoil
That was about it for me for the day....I was cooked and pooped.  I took a few things into the house, unwrapped the rest of my pictures and later mopped and vacuumed...Larry going in and out all day, even though he wipes and stomps his feet stuff still gets tracked in...he worked on an air TV antenna, worked well until he mounted it to the house and then no it will come back down.

There was supposed to be someone show up around 10 this morning to fix a hinge/cabinet issue, but he never showed up and around noon Larry called to find out what happened....they were concerned, and then called back that they couldn't find I guess we'll find out what happened on Monday...which is when they rescheduled for. 

Before the plants

After the year when they fill in...lovely!

The guest bathroom's sink/counter combo thingy is in so we will go into town in the morning to pick it up and a few other things...I'm guessing that will be Larry's afternoon project, and that should be the last construction type thing to do.  Anything else is decorating or cosmetic or putting stuff away....whew....finally!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...