Thursday, August 19, 2010

What a L O N G Day!!!!! 8-19

The shower I just got out of was the bestest one of my whole life!  I don't think I have ever been so dirty or sweaty in my life and add to that sunburned, sore and pooped....well, it was just the BEST.

The rising sun kissing the Sierra's!
We hit the road for Fallon before 0600 as planned this morning.  It was tough because we worked harder yesterday than planned and my arms, neck and shoulders were sore from weed pulling and weed whacking...and Larry's ribs, back and feet are giving him grief from all his non stop working, but enough whining.

We got to Fallon around 9:30...we stopped in Fernley at the Black Bear and had a nice energy building breakfast on the way.  Upon checking out the truck I noticed a nice puddle of oil underneath and a slow but steady that truck was a no go...then the next one she walked us over to had a massive chunk out of the right rear now it was time to wait for them to get one over from Sparks...she said 40 minutes...Larry knew it would be at least an hour and a half.  We wanted to get an early start to beat the heat...but apparently not gonna happen. 

So what are you gonna do?  We drove down to the carwash and Larry worked his hiney off washing our filthy truck, then we went on down to Walmart and I looked for some curtains for my art room...that always takes awhile...I can never decide which size curtain rod I need...Larry had waited outside to unstreak the windows, so I had to go out and get him for his input.
Before starting!

Just as we turned down the street to return to the rental place the lady calls us to tell us that someone had just turned in another 26 footer and lucky us it was practically new.  There was a chunck out of its right rear tire, but not a safety issue...people don't turn wide enough and run the back tire over curbs and all kinds of things...those tires are huge and expensive.  So anyway an hour and a half later than planned...around 11 we got started.  Everything is coated in dirt from the deserty winds that blow the sand into every nook and cranny...I am really glad I thought to tarp and plastic bag everything!

Another before shot.
It was hot and sunny and we guzzled water like we've never guzzled before...glad we had plenty with us...between the dryness and the heat...and sweating like crazy...I soaked my baseball cap...never happens.  We had to stop and take a couple of breaks, but not for long or we wouldn't be able to move again.  I couldn't believe we were still going at it when my sister called me on her way to work...3p.m. my time...but we were at the end where you have odds and ends you just start stuffing wherever they will fit.  We got everything in the trucks and the storage unit swept out and looked at the was just after 4....five hours...Wow.

The beauty of the truck delay is we got a bit of a break on the price and an extra day so we can take our time unloading the truck....which I hope we do, we tend to not stop once we start something, but everything has to be wiped down before going into the house. 

We stopped in Fernley on the way home at a fast food place to get some dinner..the food revived us, which was a good thing for the drive home.  That big truck was gutless up the passes and I stuck with Larry until after the pest inspection station, but then the bladder urgency and the bouncing your teeth out road declared that I MUST get on down the road to the rest area!  The drive back was uneventful and I got home about 5 minutes before Larry and used our big flashlight to guide him into the driveway...he had to back in from the corner.  Good timing because about 5 miles from Auburn I was getting really tired....
About half way done!

Our empty storage...finally!

The truck before closing the door!
So that was our moving day...we are a little scared to open that truck door tomorrow...the roads are soo very bad in spots and it'll be interesting to see how things shifted around...though Larry is pretty good about getting everything lodged and tied in well, I don't think we've ever broken anything on a move...and if we had it was so minor I've forgotten it.
Following Larry into California as the sun is setting.
So that is it for this...I am going to lay my weary body in bed...with out proof sorry for any'll just have to figure out what I fingers get ahead of my brain sometimes!

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Whew!! How I can relate! The storage unit looked all to familiar. My story was different in that I had two sisters (bless them), and three brother's in law to help. But I think if you factor in the ages and health issues it might have equaled out. The other chore was that we sorted and discarded (for Salvation Army a huge donation) as we organized and packed for a 17 hour drive/move.

I'm amazed at what you guys have accomplished! Looking forward to new pictures of your home with your things inside!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...