Monday, August 16, 2010

Carpet Day! 8-16

It took most all day, but the carpet is in, the installer did a stunning job and damn we made an excellent choice!  It has all come together and looks stunning.  No longer is it a dark, echoey, dingy, dirty bowling alley of a place...NOW it looks like a home.  I forgot to take any pictures...I just kept walking from room to room and enjoying the results.

Today I did some spray painting of some grills and washed out all the kitchen cabinets and drawers of all the sawdust that the cabinet refacers left behind.  I am also starting to think about where to put what for the first time.  Larry had the truck at Chevy for the 6th glow plug replacement...just two more to go and then he was at H/D, our second home for more hardware.

I have also been doing some research on the trees here in the transition zone that we live in here.  We have Ponderosa Pines, Digger pines, Black Oak, Live Oak and Blue oak, Manzanita and Sierra Coffeeberry, various grasses and weeds and the infamous Star Thistle.

Larry reserved the moving truck for we have to get up with the chickens and get to Fallon by 0900, pick up the truck, load the truck and back home....can't wait.  Between now and then we'll keep plugging away at the little details...hanging mini blinds, changing out hardware from shiny brass to nickel and cleaning.
Pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Juanita said...

...a funny building story...when our house on Dog Creek was under construction, I was in the hardware dept of Sears so often that one night while I was picking up more stuff the clerk referred a man looking for some specific hardware to me.....of course, I did know where it was and what he needed. It has remained as a good laugh!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...