Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Still painting, painting 8-4

It was hot again today...101. We were both dragging around today. Larry helped our contractor for awhile and I just puttered around. Larry had pulled all the shelves out of the pantry and he primed the shelves. I primed the walls and ceiling, then I put the acrylic-poxy paint on the shelves while he painted the walls and ceiling of the pantry. It will be all new and fresh for us.

We have run out of primer, so tomorrow I'll make a run for primer and the wall paint, more brushes etc. We still have a lot of painting to get done before Monday. The neighbors german shepherd is going nuts...hopefully it is just a usually quits barking pretty quickly, but is going nutso right now.

We had a lovely lunch at Subway today. We love that place and the owner in there is a kick in the pants...he liked us apparently because we were given the best sandwich ever.

Well off to dream plan is to get moving early tomorrow...ha ha ha.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...