I was happy to see that the roses were in pretty good shape...not as good as in years past, but not as bad as I've seen from other vendors. There didn't seem to be as much care ....a few more damaged canes then I ever remember and seemed stuffed in the box, but they were all alive and sprouting.
We dug huge holes but with that nasty sticky clay it had to be done. Larry ended up mixing and hauling 7 yards of dirt in the wheelbarrow today. We used topsoil from an old garden bed and new compost and a teeny bit of clay for water retention....some of the holes had tons of rock in them, but these roses have hit the jackpot and should do really well. Glad that we had dug most of the holes...we had 5 more to dig today and with planting 23 plants it was quite the job.
As we started I tried to hold the rose in the hole while standing and bent over...but my hips were too sore and stiff from hole digging day before yesterday. Larry thought I was worried about getting my pants dirty...he says you are going to have to get on your knees....well, yeah I know that I am just figuring out how to get down there on my knees without toppling into the hole and impaling myself on a rosebush. Then getting up was an issue...a few times it was just easier to crawl over to the next hole :). The job took us about 5 hours and we were tuckered out when we finished but we are excited to have it done and now can't wait to watch them grow. We haven't had roses in years and not even a garden in 7 years...I can't wait to see all the color and bring cut flowers inside. I am planning a couple of clematis vines, sweet peas, dahlias, daylillies, gladiolas, calla lillies and heaps more. I have a few bags of bulbs/tubers in the closet waiting for planting time.
Thank goodness for leftovers...about all the energy I had for cooking...an ibuprofen and a hot bath and almost good as new.
Then just at dusk I heard that crazy owl hooting its head off and because it wasn't dark I thought we might actually see it. We did eventually when it moved up in the pine tree...a Great Horned Owl. It moved to the top of the next tree and first you would see its head in silhouette with its distinctive "ears" and then it would turn and lift up its tail...maybe it was mooning us...hahahahaha. Too dark for a picture...someday maybe I'll catch it roosting in the daytime.
So sorry about Japan, but American news media is ridiculous....that's all I have to say on the matter...the waves move in and the waves move out...really?! NOOooooo....idiots.
Starting my own daffodil hill, I planted these last fall. |
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