Wednesday, March 09, 2011

No keepin' up 3-9

Larry is the Energizer Bunny...he just never quits.  Before I had even gotten dressed this morning he already had one of the three 8'x4' planter boxes emptied of dirt and the wire mesh in the bottom.  By the time I checked on him to see if he was ready for breakfast he had the first box filled back up with the dirt and the second box completely finished...emptied, wire put in the bottom and filled back up.  After breakfast he finished getting the wire in the bottom of the third and I helped get the dirt shoveled back in and leveled.  The gophers are so bad around here we decided we needed to put gopher mesh in the bottoms of the boxes...after he had them filled with dirt...but better now than full of plants and watching them die and disappear. 

Then we dug a dozen holes for the rose hedge.  That was exhausting with the clay and the rocks...I can now start a rock garden.  With the clay and rock we needed to make the holes bigger so the roses have good root room.  I was getting sore and tired, Larry was finally getting tired (he starts out sore) and still he dug.  We have another eleven to do......  Today's dinner was pizza to go from the local establishment and it was very good.

It was in the mid 60's today but cloudy all day and we are supposed to get rain tomorrow.  The only thing keeping Larry from getting the rest of the holes dug in the morning before it starts raining and I get out of bed is he doesn't know yet where to dig them :-) 

I was going to use the shovel for perspective but by the time I got back outside to take pictures Larry had already washed off the shovels and put them way was I walking all the way over to the shed to drag one back much energy required for that! 

We revived somewhat after pizza and showers, but retired for the day to cushy chair or couch and our books.

We are waiting to see if these blooms are going to be white or pink, the tree is loaded with buds.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...