Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Happy 50th Lori! Part 2 3-1

Okay....I pulled, edited and re-ordered these pictures so many times (soft ware issues).... Now we'll see how easily they upload here to my blog...THEN we'll see if I get captions on them.  If no captions then it wasn't easy going and I had to go do something else ...like eat dinner or something.  I kept most of the pictures dedicated to just Lori so I wouldn't have to put names to everyone....you know who I am and I included a few with her girls...they seem to be important to her...hahaha.  Her bestest friend is in a couple pics too.

Being only 18 months apart you would think we would be like inseperable or something, but our personalities were so different that wasn't the case.  Still we have become closer as we've gotten older and smarter, we've done pretty well with living on different sides of the country!  There is just nothing like having shared your life with someone since diapers and springing forth from the same loins and sharing genes that makes the relationship of siblings so extra special!   Looking forward to the next 50 years with you Lori!  Love you! 

1977 at my wedding rehearsal


6-82 (I made that outfit for her)

8-1-82 Pretty Bride

11-82 (she learned this at college)

May 84

Xmas 84



Thanksgiving 1986




Birthday 1990


Grams 90th Birthday 1990

Gram was very proud of the Graduate! 1991

1991, 20 years of Nursing too this year!



Lori and her favorite male!  2006

2006 cooking us dinner (we stayed in their front yard a month with our RV)

2006, The Queen Mower


2006  Off to work

Awww  2006

2006  She loves baking!


2006 we were leaving....

2007? Lori & her Graduates

Family Reunion 2007 with Aunt Millie

2007 Awwww

2007  this pic cracks me up with the "blue room"

2008 baking us a pie at our place in Fallon

2008  massage hair


July 08 with Lindsay


2008 Mike showing off the NEW Kindle

2008 NOT professional models!!!

2008  Still NOT!!!

2010 her place...baking

2010 self portrait

2010  Besties!
2010 Lori the Mother of the Bride, I'm the Aunt

2010  Like Mother like Daughter....Jaclyn

2010 Lori & the Grahams

3-2010 Lori and her beautiful girls


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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...