Thursday, March 31, 2011

Loving it here! 3-31

This still being a year of firsts for us here we are loving this spring that it is here.  We were outside by 9:30 working in the garden.  It was shady still but not cold.  I planted 10 dahlia tubers, 10 daylily tubers, and 52 gladioli and 6 calla lillies.  Larry turned the compost into the dirt of the flower beds while I was planting and then he got out the lawn mower and got busy on the weeds around the house, and down the hill.

Plants are amazing...well all of nature is to me, but knowing that I just put these clematis vines in the ground yesterday, laid them against the fence and held them up with a couple of twist ties.  This morning their leaves had already wound themselves around the wire of the fence and we could see that the top most tendrils had straightened out and were reaching for the next crosswire.  Daily we'll be able to see changes which is why gardening is never boring.

After cleaning up I made a killer dinner and then we spent time just sitting outside on the deck enjoying the peaceful green tranquility.  Larry said something about have I given any thought to making oatmeal I made a yummy batch from the recipe under the lid of the oatmeal box...our day was complete!

View from the bench above the house tonight
I enjoyed the sunset while munching on fresh oatmeal raisin cookies outside on the hill

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...