Sunday, March 27, 2011

Efficient Grandma 3-27

HA!  Neither of my daughters thought I would get on the road by 7:30 with the boys....HA.  I had gotten everything packed and organized for loading this morning and had a game plan for getting the boys ready.  I got up at 6:30, got myself I will say that Larry, as sick as he is loaded the stuff into the truck, he wasn't dead so he would insist on helping of I might have been off my mark a bit without his help. 

I had turned the light on in the boys room, which of course didn't phase them one bit....I wish I had a video of when I started pulling the covers back and like little crabs they just followed them down to the end of the bed and tried to burrow back under.  Rather than fight and scream at them, I used putting on their socks and stuffing them into shirts as part of the wake-up method.  Then I just drug the oldest off the bed and told him to hit the bathroom and put his pants on when he was done....ditto with the youngest and Ta-Da!  Bribery with a box of chocolate donuts helped them to get busy getting their shoes on...a good bye to sick Grandpa and we were in the truck. 

Now another thing....we were in the truck but it took us another 15 minutes to actually pull out because I had to figure out the freaking DVD player (Seth's that Michelle sent along with us)....those things are the most amazing thing to travel with...nary a peep from the back seat ....I felt like a pilot in an airplane....but it took two phone calls to Michelle to get the thing running.

We met up with Andrea in Williams and she rode up with me to Weed....Michelle hit Yreka way early and decided to drive on down to Weed....the weather was bad in Weed...horizontal blowing snow, but worse up in Yreka.  She was driving into a grueling headwind and used half a tank of gas from Grants Pass to Yreka.  Having Andrea to visit with made the trip go by quicker and easier for thanks again Andrea.  We fed the kids, transferred all Seth's stuff to his Mom's car and we headed back home. 

Now we were in the head wind and bad rains a few times....but a good trip.  Dropped Andrea and Ian back at Andrea's car in Williams and after buying a large, bad for me, but keep me running Mocha at the golden arches I headed on home. 

I'm trying to remember if I've ever driven that many miles in a day before....I've been a passenger for more, but not driving that far.  My left arm and shoulder is really sore all the way up into my spite of my changing and moving my hold on the steering wheel.  I pulled back into our driveway at 6:30p.m.

Larry freaked me out for a few minutes...the house was closed up and dark...our bed was empty and I couldn't find him and he never answered...I was about ready to head out to his shop when I went towards the family room and hollered his name and I heard him finally.  He was holed up in the guest room...the bed has an electric blanket and his fever ran back up today and he was freezing so he was in there with blankets piled on and the blanket on.  He managed to eat a bit hopefully tomorrow he will start feeling better.

I am humming still....which is why this post got done and hopefully I made sense....I decided to do it before I to a hot shower and jammies......

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...