Friday, March 04, 2011

Bathing Birds 3-4

It was a nice day today.  We got in a walk and I didn't need a sweater, there was no breeze.  We sat on the deck and relaxed with our books in the sun for a bit and worked again on the plans for the yard.  My rose garden from Jackson & Perkins shipped this quick, just ordered yesterday and we should have them before next weekend...woo hoo.  Now Larry has 23 holes to dig...he's SO thrilled!

Yesterday I made chicken fajita's for dinner with black refried beans and rice....we had beans and rice left over....I had another red pepper and onion and an acorn squash that needed cooking so I thought to give it a try so I made acorn squash fajitas and it turned out pretty yummy.

Today's pictures are of the Juncos taking a bath in a puddle.  They are cute bright eyed little birds, I missed getting pictures of the Bluebirds but I did get these guys...they aren't as bashful.

I wonder if they hold their breath?

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...