Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stormy Day 1-23

Today’s entertainment was the weather. It was very windy and rainy early this morning, and then just windy…at some point the sun came out through the clouds. We heard big thunder and saw this huge black cloud bearing towards us from the north. The wind came up as it moved over us and the tumbleweeds looked like a pack of large dogs running across the compound. I saw one tumbleweed half the size of a Volkswagen and then it started hailing…small hail that turned everything white as it built up…it lasted about a half hour which was surprising because the clouds were moving fast. I was glad I had done the laundry yesterday.

This being our last day here we put more stuff away, I made sure the pantry stuff was stowed for traveling, Larry filled and dumped tanks and we basically just watched the weather, T.V. and I crocheted and Larry read a book.

It is supposed to get below freezing tonight…it had been warmer most of the last week, which was nice for Larry; he didn’t have to go out every night and disconnect the water.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...