Wednesday, January 27, 2010

From Desert to Fertile Valley 1-27

It has been a really long day. We left Desert Center around 8:35, it was overcast…we hit some wind, sprinkles, sunshine, fog and drizzle over the course of the day. We were on I-10 west and we took 57 up to 210 all across the top edge of the L.A. area…through Covina, Pasadena, Glendale and popped out on I-5. The sun was shining in L.A. and with the recent rains the hills were green, the palms were shiny and the air was pretty clear for a change.

There was a lot of snow on the tops of the hills and mountains from Palm Springs to the Angeles forest over the Grapevine. At Frazier Park the clouds were pushing up from the valley so we were in fog until we hit the bottom, then we were under the clouds all the rest of the way. We took 99 and somewhere along the way hit too many bumps because on our last rest stop I discovered broken plates and a chipped sink from the stuff falling out of the cupboard. First time it’s happened and we aren’t really sure when. We did hit a couple of bad bumps, so who knows.

We are in Kingsburg in an RV park that is just off the highway, but it isn’t really too obnoxious. We got in about 5 and had traveled 380 miles. Now what is obnoxious is after we were here a few hours a train goes by so closely that the whole trailer shakes and vibrates as it goes by…wonderful. Gonna be hard to sleep through that when it seems right under our window. I didn't take the time to edit todays photos...we are having internet technical difficulties and its late and I'm pooped.

It has been a busy few days…I had been collaborating with someone who was representing me in today’s event…in uniform I might add and it was hours before I got the promised call from my cousin. So, another three years, but hopefully before then this all ends…dead.

1 comment:

michelle said...

It is beautiful! Makes me sad. Laugh


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...