Saturday, January 16, 2010

Carrizozo, NM 1-16

I took Larry for a ride today...let him be the passenger for a change and soak up the scenery. We drove north to Carrizozo, after about 20 miles I said the terrain was kind of boring and the 55 mph speed limit was tedious....Larry responded with, "the last time we were through here you slept"...ahhh. I kind of felt like taking a nap
Carrizozo is a sleepy little town with some really old homes and buildings. All of todays pictures are of Carrizozo and it is the first time we have ever seen a sheep guarding a junk yard. See if you can find the 3 burros in the picture with the really colorful buildings!
I made a stop in Capitan at a little shop that caught my eye and it turned out to be my kind of shop and I was in there for about a half hour and came out with a few little books. Ruidoso was busy with shopping tourists so we only stopped there long enough to get a bite to eat at McDonalds
The last picture is of a creek we forded during a little side trip coming down the hill from Ruidoso. I stopped in the creek to get was really pretty.
It is supposed to be in the 60's the next couple of days and we have no plans. I just got a box of yarn I've been waiting for so I have a new project to work on. Its for a crocheted afghan and I haven't crocheted in over a year so it'll be fun and with lots of color changes...the yarn is really pretty.
Sorry if all the paragraphs are run together...I didn't take the time to do this the way I usually do...and blogger does this when I type directly versus writing in Word and then cutting and pasting over here.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...