Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy 2010 1-1

Happy New Year! We slept it in as we usually do…wild things we are!

Sunny again and we took our walk after toast today. I made another killer butternut squash soup today in the crock-pot. We had a rotisserie chicken from Walmart a couple days ago and I boiled the carcass and made chicken stock which I used for my soup today.

While it was cooking we decided to drive up into Laborcita Canyon to look at a property we had discounted on our first day of looking because it was an older manufactured home and didn’t really have any RV parking, but in all our looking the last couple of weeks we have discovered that we may have to make something work for us. Google Earth is a great tool when property shopping, we are able to pretty closely figure out the property lines (Larry and his calculator) and see the terrain and how close the neighbors are etc. So we may have to move some earth to get the parking we want…and if the property is priced right it can be feasible. On the way back down the canyon we drove down another side road to check out another property we hadn’t checked out because we weren’t too sure about it and it has possibilities…so who knows. We thought we had looked at everything and at the time of my writing here, we have four more to look at. We don’t throw anything away during the hunt, because we are always back tracking or changing our mind about something.

So we tramped all around the hillside above one property and it had all these lovely desert plants. The road runner was hunting around behind the trailer this morning. We have seen a lot of them this trip, mostly running across the road in front of us.

For dessert, I made triple chocolate brownies…YUM!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...