Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Nothing 1-6

Good Evening/Good Morning to my daily faithful readers, Aunt Millie, Uncle Marty, Uncle Gene and Juanita! Not much to share from today, we enjoyed sunshine, our usual walk and spent the day relaxing and taking care of little things, I finished Ian's second scarf.

We would torture each other, asking each other...if you had to pick one right this minute of the properties in the running which would you every couple hours one of us would pounce with, "which one?" We are just processing and waiting and keeping things light...the way we do things.

Okay Andrea, but I only mentioned confessed daily readers...I know there are lurkers out there, I didn't realize you read daily Good Morning to you too!


Andrea said...

I see that I'M not mentioned in your blog. Hmph! LOL

Juanita said...

I look out my window and see FOG! YUCK! I'm really looking forward to a short trip to Quartsite to meet with a group of friends. There are a group of us, started by my AZ sister, Carol and her hubby who meet, dry camp and then move on to Yuma. I'll be out of this cold northern CA weather for a couple sunny weeks! It might be cold but we will be able to see the sun. I'm enjoying your sun---the wonders of this electronic age! I'm confident that you and Larry will find just the right place, it is such a great situation that you have the time to look, search, ponder and enjoy the time!

michelle said...

and what am i? i am an every other day reader. geez. i used to be every day, but with the LAPSES, one can only click and read the same thing so often. *smile*

marymary said...

Well! What about ME??? I check in almost every day too!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...