Saturday, January 02, 2010

Hawks 1-2

Today we saw the most unusual thing….first we saw these two hawks on the line so we stopped to get their pictures, one took off, so I focused on the one that stayed and Larry was exclaiming away about more hawks and they were fighting. He actually saw them lock claws and engage beaks but they broke away as 6 more flew up out of the bush…as I turned I saw more hawks in a tree and while some remained in the tree, a couple landed on a power pole the rest were circling off in the sky…we counted 13 all together. We have never seen anywhere near that many hawks together before…it was an amazing thing to see and I wish I was able to get better pictures!

P.S. I just looked in my book of Western Birds and the close up in flight bird is a Red Shouldered Hawk...I think.


Andrea said...

I like that third picture! Pretty awesome

Juanita said...

I loved the hawk pictures!! One of my favorite is the red-tailed hawk. In Rodeo there were a pair that I saw every day to and from school when I was teaching in Crockett.

My youngest grandson's screen name is goshawk...he loves them, too!

Your pictures were amazing!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...