Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pics from Yesterday 1-31

Here are a few pictures from yesterday. The south fork of the American River on highway 49 and then two pictures of downtown Placerville. When we were kids it was kind of rundown and shabby looking, but now it is all fresh yet still very historic, very narrow of course and you have to watch for pedestrians and people opening car doors and the traffic. It is a little crazy for me.
Today we were doing stuff on the computer...which was silly because the sun was out and Larry was able to wash the truck and the trailer, both were filthy. We were entertained for awhile listening to a speed trap on I-50 on Larry's scanner. They had a plane up and several units on the ground and they were dropping the speeders like flys. Some were doing in excess of 80...idiots. I just realized I went the whole weekend without talking to either one of the girls....hmmmm.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cruising around 1-30

Good Morning! Yesterday we went to Roseville to Costco and Barnes & Noble and then I did a weeks worth of laundry.

Today we drove all over the place...down 49 to 193 and we don't need to do 193 again...windy and cliffy, then back down 49 to Placerville where we had lunch at Mel's diner and oddly enough I had the hamburger and Larry had BBQ Beef sandwich. They make their own buns there and I was impressed because any large burger I eat, by the time I get half way through it the bun is a mashed mess...these buns were tasty and held up to the end...wonderful.

Then we drove east from Placerville to Newtown and along the back roads to Diamond Springs, then down to Shingle Springs and then back roads up to Lotus back to 49 and on up to Auburn. It was a long day, but we saw a lot of pretty countryside and stopped and wandered in a neat shop...just to stretch the legs of course!!!

Highway 49 was blocked by a tractor/trailer across both lanes...the truck driver was gonna get in BIG trouble...he was too long to be on the road and somehow (he was a carhauler and the trailer was low) it looks like he may have high centered or something, but as we eeked by on the very narrow shoulder guided by the truck driver with hand signals (I couldn't look...all this rain...we were nervous that the edge would break away) I couldn't see any tires or axles...the trailer was resting on the ground....the driver and his buddy looked really was a pickle!

And back home we were just as the sun was setting....a very nice day and it is late and I forgot to download the pictures later.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

We have landed again 1-28

It was a shorter travel day today and California's roadways are as bad as any we've been on; jars and rattles the rigs to death not to mention the nerves and bladders! The weather was overcast but warmer than what we were having in NM. We traveled 223 miles today and are in the Auburn area...hanging here for awhile taking care of stuff and visiting family that we have missed seeing for quite awhile. I didn't take a single picture and crocheted most of the trip, not much exciting to see...cattle feed lots, malls and traffic. It has greened up and I saw some narcissus in bloom.

The blog might get a bit random if we aren't doing much of anything...maybe I'll just say hi or tell jokes or something.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

From Desert to Fertile Valley 1-27

It has been a really long day. We left Desert Center around 8:35, it was overcast…we hit some wind, sprinkles, sunshine, fog and drizzle over the course of the day. We were on I-10 west and we took 57 up to 210 all across the top edge of the L.A. area…through Covina, Pasadena, Glendale and popped out on I-5. The sun was shining in L.A. and with the recent rains the hills were green, the palms were shiny and the air was pretty clear for a change.

There was a lot of snow on the tops of the hills and mountains from Palm Springs to the Angeles forest over the Grapevine. At Frazier Park the clouds were pushing up from the valley so we were in fog until we hit the bottom, then we were under the clouds all the rest of the way. We took 99 and somewhere along the way hit too many bumps because on our last rest stop I discovered broken plates and a chipped sink from the stuff falling out of the cupboard. First time it’s happened and we aren’t really sure when. We did hit a couple of bad bumps, so who knows.

We are in Kingsburg in an RV park that is just off the highway, but it isn’t really too obnoxious. We got in about 5 and had traveled 380 miles. Now what is obnoxious is after we were here a few hours a train goes by so closely that the whole trailer shakes and vibrates as it goes by…wonderful. Gonna be hard to sleep through that when it seems right under our window. I didn't take the time to edit todays photos...we are having internet technical difficulties and its late and I'm pooped.

It has been a busy few days…I had been collaborating with someone who was representing me in today’s event…in uniform I might add and it was hours before I got the promised call from my cousin. So, another three years, but hopefully before then this all ends…dead.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today 1-26

Today we hit the road about 8:40, Larry had to dump the tanks and to save time I had him drive on down to the dump station while I dried my hair and got my war paint on for the day…we finished at the same time….nice. It is weird being in the trailer while it’s moving down the road.

I love this part of the desert because this is Saguaro country…the old men of the desert…they are 50 years old before they grow any arms…and they are riddled with holes that birds have made in them for nesting.

The Phoenix bypass as it is called now is almost finished being widened into 4 lanes…sure is nice and connects I-8 and I-10. There was so much standing water for miles and miles along 10 that the desert looked like a swamp…very odd to see.

We stopped for a break and so I could get some close ups of the cactus. There is lots of Jumping Cholla cactus everywhere and with the high winds last week their little arms were all over the place. Larry stepped on one and had to work at getting their little fish-hooked spines out of his shoe.

After we crossed the border into California we saw signs of the big winds that came through on Thursday. Trees twisted and uprooted and highway signs with 6x10 posts were twisted and broken, it had to be bad to have been in. Friends of ours were on the road through there on Thursday and got rerouted…there were semi’s and train cars turned on their sides from the 80+ mile per hour winds….yuck.

California puts us to sleep…the speed limit is 55 where in the other states we could go up to 75…not that Larry does, but it is tedious. We are at a Passport America park here in Desert Center, CA and we traveled 256 miles today.

It is really quiet here this afternoon, except for the jets that were romping around up there in the skies…they are just a mild roar until one decides to go straight up…then the noise gets pointed right down at us…looked like they were having fun. I’ve been at the computer practically since Larry got us hooked up to the satellite this afternoon…lots to take care of. We gained an hour, but I’m hitting the feathers early. No train…ahhh.

Yesterday 1-26

Yesterday we hit the road from Deming, NM at 8:35, still getting below freezing as my puddle picture shows. It was cold most of the day. There was so much standing water everywhere from last week’s storm and all the mountains had snow on them…you don’t see that very often down here I don’t think…

We had a pretty good day and traveled 295 miles when we reached our destination at Casa Grande, AZ. The park was full but had dry camping spots available which was fine with us, no power, water or sewer, so no T.V. or internet. We could have done internet in a pinch, but Larry would have had to put out the dish…the parks wi-fi was out…we were off the grid. There was an hour or so of lovely sunshine, so Larry put out our chairs while he took care of phone stuff and I crocheted. It was nice to soak up some rays.

Just before dark the lovely cow stench started permeating our space…yuck…there is a mega cattle feed lot 3 or so miles to the west of the park and the wind had shifted. It was really quiet without the computers humming, the space heater running, the TV, or the converter running…the furnace roar was all that really broke the silence, but it only came on a few times towards morning.

I am 3/5ths finished with the squares of the afghan…then I’ll have to do three rows around the whole perimeter of the blanket.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

On the Road Again 1-24

The sunshine was back AND there was no wind, so Larry got his hair cut finally…we timed it just right, the breeze started kicking up just as we were finishing. I was quick because it was cold too and it turned out pretty good.

We hit the road about 10:45 and had a nice uneventful drive. It was breezy and it is quite the climb up the mountains with the trailer, they were really pretty with the snow on them…it looked like they had been coated with cornstarch. These shots have the White Sands in front of the mountains.

We only went as far as Deming, NM, 139 miles. We went to Walmart first to get some groceries and the whole side parking lot was full of semi trucks and they were coming and going like in a rest area…very odd.

We were all set up by about 2:30, I like these short travel days. Larry ran into a guy at the office that had traveled yesterday across Texas in all that really bad weather we had and had about a third of the lining and insulation torn off of the underside of his 5th wheel. I’m glad we had decided to wait.

The train is noisy and close but at least it doesn’t have to blow its horn. Going to be really cold here tonight too, in the low 20’s.

For the curious out there, our quest for a winter home in NM didn’t pan out for now and we have personal business to take care of in Northern California so that is where we are headed with no time for side trips or sight seeing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stormy Day 1-23

Today’s entertainment was the weather. It was very windy and rainy early this morning, and then just windy…at some point the sun came out through the clouds. We heard big thunder and saw this huge black cloud bearing towards us from the north. The wind came up as it moved over us and the tumbleweeds looked like a pack of large dogs running across the compound. I saw one tumbleweed half the size of a Volkswagen and then it started hailing…small hail that turned everything white as it built up…it lasted about a half hour which was surprising because the clouds were moving fast. I was glad I had done the laundry yesterday.

This being our last day here we put more stuff away, I made sure the pantry stuff was stowed for traveling, Larry filled and dumped tanks and we basically just watched the weather, T.V. and I crocheted and Larry read a book.

It is supposed to get below freezing tonight…it had been warmer most of the last week, which was nice for Larry; he didn’t have to go out every night and disconnect the water.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Big Weather 1-22

Big wind and rain, but it quit this afternoon so I trotted over and did laundry. It might snow tonight and tomorrow.

Talked to my Corral cousin’s on the phone today. They are heading back to CA from Yuma tomorrow and we are heading for AZ on Sunday. Heading for Benson for a couple of days, but as our plans change daily…I guess I need to use another word for plan, ‘cause we attempt them and then it all changes.

Larry has been busy with the computers. He had to get a bigger hard drive for his and he is trying to figure out how to get Vista off mine…he hates it. I just use the thing, though I was upset when my photo program wouldn’t work on Vista…that was painful.

I am making good progress on this afghan…since I took this photo I finished the second row, only three more to go.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Windy 1-21

Hello All! I'm afraid I don't have anything much to tell today. Windy and cloudy today...if we don't get a nice enough day soon to cut Larry's hair, we'll have to start braiding it :).

I ran up to Tularosa to drop Larry's last book off at the library and to drop something in the mail. Just did pretty much the usual today and started clearing out stuff that has piled up the past month. The beauty of a moving home is that when you hit the road every last thing gets put away.

Bad weather is coming in tonight thru Saturday, we were planning to hit the road on Saturday, but will probably wait until Sunday need to be foolish. The wind is getting bad as I makes it hard to sleep when the trailer's mud flaps are thunking in the wind and the trailer shudders really bad. You kind of get used to the constant noise but the big gusts wake me up and then I wonder if we aren't going to lift off and ride a gust into the next state.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Booms 1-20

Windy, windy, windy today...rained some this morning and then the sun came out, at least it has been warmer and not freezing at night.

Larry's foot is slightly easier to walk on but still pretty painful..still don't really know whats wrong but my sister suggested it might be plantar fasciitis.

This morning I made an appointment for a haircut this afternoon...finally, it has been 3 months...way too long, I was feeling like a sheepdog. We went to Applebee's for dinner and then Larry dropped me off at the hairstylists. Larry went and thanked our Realtor for all his help this past month. We have decided to move on, this just isn't the place for us right now.

I really like my haircut, Larry was outside waiting for me and was talking to my cousin Darcy (you remember from 3 years ago, bad accident, Houston) on the phone, she is getting married this year. She is very excited, she was proposed to at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, perfect for my fairytale cousin! We are really happy for her.

Then we stopped at Walmart for groceries and then back home. I only finished about 2 squares today on my afghan.

Jeez, we were scared out of our hair this evening and I just spent $43 getting it cut (pricey, its what I get for not asking when making my appt.) ...sonic booms from the F-22 is so loud and boom, boom, boom and the whole place vibrates...I actually felt the floor of the trailer move up to my foot...your brain doesn't know what's happening right it an explosion, earthquake, ???, you just don't know in the first instant but it is shocking. Then about 30 seconds later a second...I wonder how the animals react to the sonic booms...horses, goats etc.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Square Day 1-19

We had a few periods of wind and rain today, ran up to Tularosa to drop some books off at the library, drop something off at the post office and then get milk and water at the market.

I’m making good progress on my squares for the afghan.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Projects 1-18

Not much going on here today, Larry is trying to rest his foot and I have been working on my new project and we both have been doing computer stuff…what did we ever do before computers took up so much of our timeJ!

This scarf I made for Ian and is made with one strand of the green camo yarn and one strand of the angel hair yarn leftover from the last two scarves I made for Seth. I like this one a lot and will have to make more in different color combos…it is soft and has a ratty denim look that would appeal to some and certainly the boys. The photo doesn't do it justice. I used size 17 needles and 8 stitches for a 4 inch width, made in the garter stitch and just knit until I reached the length I wanted.

Here is the first square of the thirty I’ll be making for my current project…the cool thing about this one is the squares are joined as I go so I won’t have to sew them all together at the end. Today I got a couple more done and if I remember I will post my progress tomorrow.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Big Yellow Balloon 1-17

A lovely sunny day again, though we didn’t spend much time outside. I was sludging along on about 3 hours of sleep and lacked any motivation to go anywhere or do anything. I was sooo tired and couldn’t sleep…yuck.

I looked out the windows as I opened the blinds and I saw this yellow balloon off in the distance. It appeared to be coming our way. I wasn’t sure how close it was going to come to us because it would lower almost to the ground and then soar back up again. At one point I thought it was going to drift into power lines, but it zoomed straight up and then continued floating along. It was so quiet we could here its burner. It landed somewhere just down the street from here, we didn’t feel inclined to drive over to see where it ended up.

We have been here a month already…time is flying by! I started my granny square afghan today and I had to do intense investigations to figure out the color coding. So I had to pull on the reading glasses and look at the picture of the finished product and figure out the color order in a couple of the squares so I could figure out which letter designation went with what color of yarn and there are ten different colors. A very frustrating omission from the pattern and then it took me time to make up a swatch…the pattern is easy to follow, just classic granny, but I usually have to use a smaller hook so my work comes out to gauge…which I had to end up doing here. Now that all this has been done I have completed the first square and now have 29 more to go and they are 10 ¾ inches square. I love this yarn…I have never seen it or used it, Red Heart Soft and it is truly soft, in beautiful modern colors and it has a lovely sheen to it, I cannot wait to see this all finished! I’ll be making more stuff with this yarn. I ordered on-line from Jo-Ann’s. I’ll post pics as I go if I remember.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Carrizozo, NM 1-16

I took Larry for a ride today...let him be the passenger for a change and soak up the scenery. We drove north to Carrizozo, after about 20 miles I said the terrain was kind of boring and the 55 mph speed limit was tedious....Larry responded with, "the last time we were through here you slept"...ahhh. I kind of felt like taking a nap
Carrizozo is a sleepy little town with some really old homes and buildings. All of todays pictures are of Carrizozo and it is the first time we have ever seen a sheep guarding a junk yard. See if you can find the 3 burros in the picture with the really colorful buildings!
I made a stop in Capitan at a little shop that caught my eye and it turned out to be my kind of shop and I was in there for about a half hour and came out with a few little books. Ruidoso was busy with shopping tourists so we only stopped there long enough to get a bite to eat at McDonalds
The last picture is of a creek we forded during a little side trip coming down the hill from Ruidoso. I stopped in the creek to get was really pretty.
It is supposed to be in the 60's the next couple of days and we have no plans. I just got a box of yarn I've been waiting for so I have a new project to work on. Its for a crocheted afghan and I haven't crocheted in over a year so it'll be fun and with lots of color changes...the yarn is really pretty.
Sorry if all the paragraphs are run together...I didn't take the time to do this the way I usually do...and blogger does this when I type directly versus writing in Word and then cutting and pasting over here.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...