Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunny, warm day 6-13

It got warm here today, it was 74 on our morning walk with a slight warm breeze. Right now my eyes are burning from the smoke of a nearby brushfire, makes me think late summer or fall, that is when the forests always seemed to burn up around Chester. Larry is outside watching the helicopter, three tankers and listening to the scanner…making sure they are taking care of things right, lots of spot fires.

Today on our walk I snapped pictures with Larry’s little camera here in Park Sierra RV park. It is an Escapees park and you have to be a member…we like this one and the one in Sutherlin, Oregon a lot. The people here are all very friendly, but with no expectations. Here is their blurb off their website:
Founded in the late 1980s as a nonprofit cooperative, this Escapees park was entirely designed and built by volunteer full-time RVers. It is easy to see and appreciate the ideas these pioneers incorporated into the park: 254 (not whatever I said the other day) spacious lots on winding, hilly roads, retaining most of our native oak-pine-manzanita vegetation. Our 15,000-square-foot clubhouse offers a library, laundry, crafts room, billiards room, and a mezzanine with computers, wifi, TV area, and exercise equipment. Coarsegold Creek runs through the park, and the Back Forty Acres offers plenty of open space for walking and hiking.

The most important chore of the day was cutting Larry’s hair. The before picture looks like a lot of guys’ after pictures, but Larry likes his hair short and it grows so dang fast it needs to be cut every 2-3 weeks. After doing it myself for a few years I have finally mastered HIS hair…nerve wracking job. We tried cutting it really, really, short once but he looked pretty funky.

Now for a little editorial…I cleaned our massive carpet today (2’x12’) with one of those foam spray, sponge in, vacuum out cleaners…my beef is this…why, why, WHY does clean have to equate gigantor FRAGRANCE?! It is so ridiculously strong!....Our neighbors hung their freshly washed laundry out to dry on a rack the other day and the fragrance from their laundry detergent gave Larry an asthma attack and chased him INSIDE until the wind shifted…..A teeny bit of foo foo is sexy, but do you have to take a BATH in it?! When you gag when passing someone in a parking lot…bad, bad, BAD!!! Water, soap and deodorant…try it. Okay, I’m done now. If I ever tear up when you give me a hug…you’ve over done it….FYI…J!

So that’s about it for us today. Writing email letters and “talking” to new friends kind of weekend.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...