Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In Ukiah 6-29

This little cutie boy Connor had his Dad drive him over for a visit this evening. He is on the move and was checking out our digs...not even 8 months old yet and he was up our stairs already.

We left the Antioch fairgrounds this morning and are now at the Ukiah Fairgrounds, we traveled about 135 miles is all. Los Angeles may be packed, but at least those drivers know how to merge onto a freeway. Going through Benecia and Santa Rosa today was tedious with the Bozos not paying attention, talking on the phone or just not figuring out that they need to push on the accelerator...damn it!!!!

It was hot and windy when we got here, but has cooled off this evening. The last couple of nights the lows were in the mid-70's and it feels like it might be cooler here tonight.
They are going to be pouring concrete out here about 0700 hours in the morning...woo hoo.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...