Wednesday, June 23, 2010

day of highlights...:) 6-23

The highlight of my day today was getting my hair highlighted! The tortures we go through in the name of beauty...a plastic cap on my head and a lady with a crochet hook pulling clumps of my hair through the cap...spreading chemicals all over and then putting a plastic bag over the whole thing. Then sitting under a HOT hairdryer to speed up the process for about 4 minutes, which was about 3 minutes too long. I practiced my mental exercises...imagining myself laying in a icy snowbank and it actually helped keep me from feeling like a baking potato. I must say this lady was quick though...highlights, cut and dry all in an hour.

Larry was day four on programming his scanner. It'll hold 10,000 frequencies in any number of configurations but you need a course in how to program it. Larry had to figure out how to trick it to get it to do what he wanted...he had read on a forum that another guy was having as much trouble and the guy knows radios and was a software engineer! Sadly Larry says they are all going to this dynamic memory (whatever that means).

We got in two walks today in spite of the heat and that was our day, rough I know, but someone has to do it.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...