For YOU my five faithful readers I am typing on this hot laptop whilst my forehead feels like a vise is twisting in its center...apparently I am a lightweight when it comes to summer heat. I never get headaches so I either didn't drink enough water, ate too much of the wrong stuff or I should have gone straight to the Margharitas. Consequently, because my Uncles have to have something to read with their morning coffee I am blogging through the pain, but you aren't getting details or pictures until tomorrow....can't make a decision to save my life right now between which pictures to post. This paragraph didn't have enough drama in it...I needed to add icepicks or near death...jeez.
We had a great day, I can say that much...good food, good people and no drama. We had lots of shade and plenty of places to sit so it was all good.

These two pictures are all for now because I knew they were going in. The first is our great-niece Liliana...such a sweet cutie pie and the second is me and Connor who is about a week from being 8 months old. Connor was just waking up when they arrived and Grandpa Larry got his mitts on him first and Connor gave him a big smile and leaned in and gave Larry a kiss...so freaking cute!!!
It is 2100 hours and still 93 outside...it had better cool down some more, I hate sleeping with the a/c on! Where is that cool delta breeze?! AND I hate these urban areas when I can't tell if I just heard gun fire or fire crackers, hmmmm? How nice, Larry just flipped on the scanner...reports of shots fired, lovely...hopefully "they" are wrong.
Hugs to all! ta ta for now.......
1 comment:
:'-( pout pout...i wanna hold him. hehehe, great pics. thanks :-)
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