Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy First Day of Summer 6-21

Ha, I thought I was done with yarn projects for awhile, but I found a bag of yarn for a small blanket that I forgot about.

When my brain is too tired to think and write I like to knit or crochet.
These Manzanitas caught my eye in the setting sun last night. I love their smooth red surfaces and their sinuous curves. So many people treat them like weeds which is sad because they are a beautiful hardwood and are great to decorate with. I wish I had my mosaic stuff with me, I would do a partial mosaic on one of the cast offs I have seen here in the park as they do their Spring/Summer cleanup.
We had BBQ boneless pork ribs, homemade coleslaw and fresh fruit salad for dinner today, very yummy. Did laundry and went to the post office, but none of our expected mail had arrived, it must be coming by Pony Express.
AND I believe I am to the point where I am going to have to chain my reading glasses around my neck...seems I am needing them for more than just reading...ticks me off when I am still only 25.

This bad boy with his sexy little headdress has been hanging around most all day, so far for all his calling he hasn't attracted a little cutie quail yet.

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Val, I love the colors in your newest project. Or should I say your 'old project'? It will be lovely.....and who are you making it for?

I, too, love the manzanita. At our place on Dog Creek, a lot of the landscaping was taken up with those bushes/trees. I love them all year, but especially in the spring with their small flowers, or in winter when their color was so bright.

There are some quail who feed on the golf course which my new home in Goodyear faces. I'm going to try scattering a little seed for them. I LOVE to watch them.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...