We worked our hind ends off landscaping the front and back yards of the house in Fallon in May last year, finished in June…you can see pics of the lovely work In progress and finished product here in the archives. Larry and I single handedly with shovels and wheelbarrows shoveled about 35 cubic yards of decorative rock and planted plants in dirt as hard as concrete. We were up to Washington then zigging and zagging all over the place with the Grandsons, Larry was out for several weeks on fires and then we decided to sell the house. Got it sold, stuff stuffed in a storage and back on the road, Oregon first, Calif., then New Mexico for two months. Burned up the roads all over the Tularosa area looking for a new home, nada and then back to Northern California and zigging and zagging all over the place again. I forget how much we pack in a year until I look back at pictures, but then we have just always done that, burning up some roadway to somewhere. We get delusional every once in awhile and think maybe we’ll settle down and quit traveling, never leave the county we reside in….we sit with that thought for a minute and then go NAH…not gonna happen! Shoot, just a month ago we were in Chester, Ca getting snowed on and so much has happened since it feels like a year ago instead of a month. Well wasn’t that a nice rant!? Just like a two year old!
Today was laundry day, had to rewash a load...these front loaders have those soap cups that the machines wash the water through and someone's scented laundry soap was still in there or something...my scent free clothes came home reeking. Now I look like an idiot sniffing wash machine soap dispensers before throwing our clothes into one...and you thought our lives might be boring....ha ha!!! We were entertained on the back deck while waiting for our laundry by a hawk that swooped down below the deck for lunch, but came up empty taloned and five kittens came out from all over the place after we sat down on the deck...their Mama hollered and they went a running.
Tomorrow we head for Antioch for a family reunion of sorts. There is a big picnic for our nephew Brandon who graduated from UC Davis and his Mom, Larry’s sister Kathy is out from Hawaii and we haven’t seen her in awhile. Andrea and her family will be there too so we’ll get to snuggle two of our boys. From there we are headed to Ukiah for a week or so and then we haven’t decided…either to Quincy, CA or back to Coarsegold.

Oh, and I forgot these pics of my hair yesterday, Susie reminded me…I was playing with the camera on the computer and drug Larry into one.

1 comment:
Love your new 'do'
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