Monday, June 28, 2010

Just up the hill from where the Narasaki picnic was being held is the cemetery where my Mom is buried. I hadn't been there in quite a few years so we stopped by for a look see.

Steven our handsome teenage nephew actually doing a little manual was a noteworthy event :)

Larry's sister Kathy with her "I'm not taking any crap" face.

Uncle Gene meeting Connor with Larry.

Andrea and her Auntie Kathy.

Will, Ian and Andrea.
Sister's, Auntie Bonnie and Carol Larry's Mom.

Larry's sister Kathy found lots of time to steal Connor.

The two William Eugene's in our family...Larry's Uncle Gene and our son in law Will.

Miracle Cousin Darcy showed up to meet Connor and see Andrea and Ian. She lives close to the park so she and her Fiancee Paul stopped by. She is a hound for babies, and she got there in time to see Connor awake and then he promptly got comfortable and went to sleep. We enjoyed meeting Paul and visiting for a bit and we'll see them in two weeks at their wedding.

Here is the Narasaki Family all together, Kathy, Michael, Brandon, Steven and Hank.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...