Saturday, June 26, 2010

More Family 6-26

Staying at a fairgrounds RV park over a weekend…don’t expect sleep or peace and quiet. During the week there is a truck driving school in the parking lot, then on Friday nights they are out there until after midnight rolling around garbage drums for Saturday’s Farmers market. On Saturday at 4:15 A.M. a truck rolls in and for the next hours you get to hear the clang of metal poles being offloaded and set up all over the parking lot for the stands. About 6ish the farmers/vendors start rolling in and setting up…some are quiet, some like to blare their music, it is just crazy. We leave for the day visiting and when we come back the market is all gone and the parking lot is packed with cars for the Saturday night races. VERY NOISY cars going round and round and back firing and who knows what all, they quit at 2200 hours. What can you do…at least it is a relatively safe place with hook ups to stay in the Bay Area…beggars can’t be choosers.

Today we went to the Concord Macy’s furniture department to surprise my Aunt Gretchen. She works there, she was busy with a couple and didn’t see us so we laid low…well we sat on a lovely leather sectional and relaxed until she was finished. She was surprised to see us. We had a nice visit and she took us out to lunch.

Then we drove over to my cousin Darcy’s. She has wanted me to see her place, she has been there about a year and is getting married in a couple of weeks and will be moving to San Jose. She had one of her friends/coworkers there and we all had a really nice visit. Malena is a nice young woman and taking criminal justice courses so it was interesting to get her take on things, plus she was fascinated and had lots of questions about our traveling lifestyle.

Then it was back to Martinez to the Moniz/Narasaki hoard where we hung out until after 9. It was hot today and the drive back to our “place” in Antioch was in the easterly direction so we could see the large full moon rising and it was a lovely orange color. Now we have a nice warm breeze blowing through the trailer listening to the roar of powerful motors and screaming, yelling people….ah, bliss. Had my camera with me all day and didn’t take a single picture, it just happens that way sometimes

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...