Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another quiet day 6-12

Today we stayed home. We did our walk first thing. This RV park is over 500 sites and whoever designed it was brilliant, the sites are all tucked into the natural terrain beautifully and it is hilly here so it is amazing considering how difficult it must have been to construct and maintain all the natural vegetation and rocks.

Larry spent a bit of time reading out on the patio and I broke up my day between plunking away on the computer writing, reading and trying to finish a blanket I have been crocheting on for over a month and had hoped to have finished by Memorial Day. It is taking on a life of its own. Larry and I had one of our usual discussions, todays was on the synchronicity of life and how exciting it is when you are gifted with seeing it. I keep forgetting to bring my camera on our walks to show you the park, so instead here are more pictures of Yosemite park and the raging waterfalls. These falls are Nevada and Vernal from various angles.

This is of Half Dome and far eastern edge of the Yosemite Valley...the cars and buildings were teeny tiny down there


Juanita said...

Val, your 'shots' of Yosemite are spectacular!! How well I remember camping there through the years. It changed so much from when I first went there as an eighth-grade student. (It was our end of the year trip...way back in 1951) What I mean was that the camping changed...not the scenery!

One of the last times we camped as a family, I remember how the campgrounds were just hard-packed dirt, the trees were bare and seemed sparce. So, apparently, our campground was one
that was heavily used.

I love our National Parks! We have visited so many of them through the years!

Anonymous said...

your pics are always so nicely done and make me want to see them in person. thru your eyes my world becomes larger and can enjoy this spectacu
lar planet.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...