Saturday, January 31, 2009

Haircut and Groceries 1-31-09

Today the low was 55 and the high was 77. It was a beautiful day with a gentle breeze that visited a few times over the course of the day but never lingered very long.

Larry did yoga this morning...I basically ignored all that healthfulness and puttered on the computer, washed my hair and worked on getting presentable for the day. We later took a lap and found a notice in our mailbox about the price increases in the park next season.

When we first came here in December '04 it was $350 a month, this year it is $490 a month and next year it will be $520. You would think that people would quit raising their prices with the economy the way it is, but these owners seem to be of the mind to charge as much as they can get away with. It would be different if they provided a lot of services and beautified the sites, but they don't really go out of their way to make it about their customers. Their attitude is more...we should be happy that we "get" to stay here. It is convenient to stay here to be closer to our friends, but we want to find somewhere else to stay if we make it here again next winter.

The wind was almost non-existent today so we were finally able to cut Larry's hair, it has been a month and he starts getting annoyed with it after about two weeks, but we can never seem to get on a two week schedule...mostly we get busy doing other things or the weather doesn't co-operate. We cut his hair outside...I would have cut it in the wind, but he didn't like that idea....hey, it would have been different I'm sure. He hates hearing me say "oops" when I have the clippers in his hair...tee hee.

After dinner we took a little stroll and found some of our friends lurking about so we sat and visited for awhile. Just before dark we decided to go get groceries and get our water bottles filled up. It was a good time to go, the store wasn't very busy.

I unpacked the crystals I bought in Quartzsite and I need to try to get a good picture of them, they are really pretty.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...