Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ineptness and surprises 1-29-09

Today the low was 47 and the high was 72. It was windy too. Larry did his laps and I did my Shred 3 again.

Larry got to spend time on the phone clearing up a mess with the water company at the house in Fallon. He talked to someone before we left about putting the account in vacation mode; no problem he was told, he paid the current bill and the minimum that was required during vacation mode for the period of time we would be gone. Taken care of he thought. So what do we get but a past due bill.

I'm telling all of you out there, that no matter what someone tells you, you need to follow up and not assume something has been done properly. Customer service doesn't seem to exist, Larry was told, our fault we didn't pay our bill so basically too bad. They took absolutely no responsibility for their failure to do what they told us had been done. We have seen this lack of follow through and lack of service in so many different service offices, it is very sad and annoying. Used to be you just knew it was taken care of, but NO longer. It has been 5 years and the DMV still has our address wrong...we just gave up.

We've decided the next place we own is going to be on a well and septic system so we can eliminate a couple of utilities!

We did our laundry today and got a surprise. We were getting ready to move on Monday because we were told that this site had been rented out for Feb & March, but one of the ladies from the office saw us walking and asked if we were still interested in staying another month, the site was available so we said yes. We wanted to stay here in Yuma at least another month so that was great.

That was pretty much our day and it is supposed to start really warming up again tomorrow, hope so and hope the wind stays light.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...