Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Off to the Mall 1-13-09

Today's low was 59 and the high was 76 again and windy.

Larry did his laps and I did my shred. Our excursion for the day was to the Yuma Mall for a new bed pillow, I found some new slacks and ah-ha...Jo-Anne's where I picked up a bit more yarn. We also stopped at Starbuck's for a latte. On the way back we cruised through a couple of RV Parks, no place is full up this year.

Larry has been programming radios, and researching radio stuff on the computer.

These are pictures of more scarves...I finished the large red toned scarf today and the last is a scarf I made for my friend Mary and I made a matching scarf for her Chihuahua which turned out really cute!
Our friend Mavis stopped by on her walk and invited us to the Dairy Queen with the group at 8...well we couldn't be rude and NOT go....! AND we couldn't be rude and not have an ice cream...tee hee! I had a moo-latte and Larry had a root beer float, yum.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...