Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cold and Fried Chicken 1-27-09

Today the low was 46 and the high was 62...we had to resort to the heater in the morning after we got up, it was 48 inside. We have flannel sheets and a down comforter on our bed and we were toasty warm all night, especially after we prewarm the bed with our electric blanket. Larry took his walk and it was cold and windy. I did my shred, the highest level again, but I am still doing the easier modifications...I may never be able to do a mans push-up, but at least I can do the sissy ones now and I may be at the three pound level on my weights for awhile. For some reason they jump from three to five pounds...I may duct tape a one pound weight to my three pounders.....laugh!

We spent the afternoon over at my cousin's Pat and Mike's place. Larry was helping Mike install the digital TV converter box on their TV. It seemed like it was a pretty convoluted process which I felt I didn't need to follow. It was too cold to sit outside today so Pat and I just visited while the guys worked.

They took us to dinner as their guests at the Yuma Elk's club, it was all you can eat fried chicken night. They had been raving about this being the BEST fried chicken ever...like home cooked of olden days...AND it was great! Juicy, tender and crunchy and with corn, mashed potatoes, two gravies, baked potatoes, rice, coleslaw and salad to choose from and it was all you could eat which is extremely dangerous all for eight dollars a person. Their friends Joe and Becky met us there and the six of us had a good time and enjoyed our meals.

We stopped at Barnes & Noble bookstore on the way home so I could pick up a book Pat had been showing me and then it was back home.

These photos are from yesterday's trip; it is supposed to be warmer tomorrow...hope the weather guessers are right.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...