Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Still alive and eating 1-21-09

Today was another lovely day...79 for the high and 63 for the low...right now the sun has gone down, there is no breeze and it is still 76 outside, gorgeous.

I'm under the weather still, last night I was convinced I was gonna die...was afraid to go to sleep, not that there was much chance of sleeping with the spasms, burning and pressure and going to pee five hundred million times. My cousin saved the day...with just what I needed to kick this infection, but I am still feeling punky.

We had plans to go to my cousin's place today...Larry was helping Mike figure out some TV thingy and Pat was feeding us. After two days of being in the trailer I thought a change of scenery would be nice...I just hauled my gallon of water with me and my current knitting project and I was good to go. We had a nice visit and we got to see Joe and Becky again...they are nice people who...Mike worked with Joe forever ago and they have been full-time RVing for a really long time (which means I can't remember how long but I'm thinking about 21 years). We have fun comparing notes with them.

We had barbecued hamburgers, beans and salads for dinner, wine cake and peach cobbler for dessert...yum! Now it is shower time and after not too long, hitting the feathers...tonight I am looking forward to sleeping.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...