Monday, January 26, 2009

Trip to Quartzsite 1-26-09

Today was cooler, the low was 48 and the high was 65. It was a cool feeling 65 too with the breeze.

This morning we got up and got ourselves ready for the day, had our whole wheat toast with peanut butter and then hit the road for Quartzsite. It is about 75 miles from here in the Foothills to Quartzsite on a two lane highway, so a lot of passing goes on.

The desert is getting green with the rain it has gotten this season. I guess they had a couple of gully washers here in November and little spots of rain here and there since. The ocotillos are so leafy you can’t see their brutal thorns. The mountains around here and between here and Quartzsite are very pretty with interesting formations.

Part way up we all had to go through a Border Patrol check point. Not many agents were there today…we’ve seen it packed with agents, vehicles of all kinds and dogs and they all looked like they were standing around wasting our tax dollars. This lovely german shepherd appeared to be the supervisor while two of the agents were fueling up a generator. We got through with only the agent giving a hard look in all the windows and the bed of the truck. The car behind us was checked out by the dog.

This is when people pour from the desert around Quartzsite and points farther afield into Yuma. It was just one huge string of traffic with over 100 RV’s, probably more, we didn’t think to actually count.

Quartzsite’s flea market was in a transition today and a lot of the vendors were closed or were packing up to move to a different area of the market. It was actually cold and the wind was blowing pretty good. We didn’t go through the RV shows big tent; we weren’t impressed the last time we were through there a few years ago. I was most interested in the crystal and rock shops and I found a few treasures. I haven’t unwrapped them yet so no photos.

Larry’s nose kept twitching at the smell of hamburgers so we each had a $1 burger at one of the booths. They were actually pretty good and had grilled onions on them; they were small but perfect for our lunch. We were heading back home around 1:30.

The picture of the RV’s are some that are parked dry camping out in the desert. It has just never appealed to us, at least not for any length of time…you envision being out in the wilds by yourself, when the realty is you aren’t far from your neighbors or the highway and get to listen to the hum and or roar of everyone’s generators. Now I’m sure there are people who get themselves away from most and never use their generator but going down the highway it just looks like a chaotic RV park.

We were seeing splotches of pink out in the flora so we stopped to go check it out. We were adjacent to the Yuma Proving Grounds so we couldn’t walk away from the highway too far, it is all posted DANGEROUS and we didn’t want to finish our day’s fieldtrip being chased down by a tank or hummer or get a bomb dropped on us. It is a huge military training ground.

Anyway the pink flowers were unusual and pretty and I got some pictures of the ocotillos up close and these two young saguaro cacti, they are probably 25-30 years old. I have read that they are about 50 years old before they start growing an arm.

As we got back into our park the “sorry, park is full” sign was out on the wall for the second day. Oh, we heard from a few vendors in Quartzsite that the last 10 days have been really great there, lots of shoppers and sales, but we got that it has been kind of quiet until then.

After we got home we decided to go to Walmart, something that Larry had been waiting to come in had arrived and he needed to make his exchange. It was crazy busy in there. Larry did his thing at the customer service while I gathered up the few items I needed and then I found a line that was moving pretty well so we got home before dark…smile…it had looked like we might have been in there a good long time with the crowds and lines.

A nice day and ended with Larry making a peach cobbler, he is still experimenting…too bad for my waistline! AND as I just finished sampling this latest creation, I can say “By Jove I think he’s got it”! Yum.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...