Sunday, January 04, 2009

Windy 1-4-09

Today's low was 51 and the high was 64, it was overcast in the morning and windy with gusts most all day. The wind felt like it was blowing off of an iceburg.

We were slow to get started today. We both seemed to have a lot to do on the computer, then in spite of the cold wind we ventured out. We went over to the Arizona Marketplace, it is an open air market and was not very crowded, but it was still chilly. Some of the vendors were huddled next to propane heaters. These are frigid conditions for Yuma! We were hungry when we left, we found something to eat on the way home and after we returned we just continued on as we were before we left.

My sister Lori planted a seed in an email to me today. Lori shared with me how a young woman wanted to know where Lori had gotten the scarf she was wearing (I made it for her) because she loved it. Lori told me I should be selling them...well, duh! I just don't know why it has never occured to me before and now with it will be easy to do.

I have been knitting and crocheting since I was about eleven and I really enjoy it. I love taking a pattern and making it unique by the yarn colors I chose to use and I have given oodles of my work to friends and family over the years...mostly afghans, scarves and hats. Unless I have a gift to make, I find projects I would like to do and wait for an opportunity to make it....well, smack me over the head...if I am selling, I can knit and crochet all I want.

I have frequently thought that I should be doing something more contructive with my time besides sitting around and crocheting or knitting all day. Well, writers, artists, all kinds of people need to sit around all day creating their craft...I have had an epiphany and am excited to get busy!

I can do other things as well, but now while sitting in the passenger seat while cruising the country I can work, etc. I've just had a big block because I always remember my Mother sitting in her bathrobe knitting all day, and she never seemed to do much of anything else, I just have to remind myself I am not my Mother and remember to keep balance in my life. I am forty-nine and feel silly for taking this long to figure this out...oh, well, better late than

Here is evidence that proves men over 60 can be in touch with their inner child! Auntie Annie e-mailed us this photo that she took of Uncle Robert at 2:30 in the morning when she discovered him out on the lawn making snow angels in a very rare snow for Pahrump and also for Uncle Robert who has lived most of his life in Hawaii. Way to go, Uncle Robert!!!!!

1 comment:

~Andrea~ said...

that looks like a pretty perfect snow angel too. :-) lol


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...