Friday, January 16, 2009

Buffet and Carrots 1-16-09

Today’s low was 56 and the high was 77…another gorgeous day.

We started our day at….get this….SEVEN A.M.! Yes, us, …up before the sun. No, hell has not frozen over….not that I would ever know anything about that place! Our Crazy Canadian friends invited us to have breakfast with all of them and chose 8:15 as the time to meet and leave. Lately we’ve been lucky to have our eyes open by that time of the morning! So, afraid that we would miss our ride we set our alarm so we wouldn’t oversleep. For food that I don’t have to cook…setting the alarm works for me!

We had breakfast at the Co Co Pah Casino in Somerton at the $6 buffet. It was pretty good, they have the build your own and wait and watch it be cooked omelet station and every other kind of breakfast food. It was a fun morning.

Neil and Mavis drove us out there and on the way back we stopped and watched these workers harvest carrots. It took us a minute to figure out what the crop was and what they were doing.

First two guys on either side of a modified lawn mower go up and down the row mowing the tops off of the carrots and another guy goes along with a weed eater topping the sides of the rows that the mower missed. Then a bunch of people get the carrots out of the ground but they were too far away for us to really see how they were doing that…were they pulling them out or scooping somehow? This field was part of the University of Arizona’s Ag program. I forgot my camera so these pictures were taken by Neil and I edited them before posting here…thank you for sharing Neil.

Along the front of the property was this hedge of pruned orange trees…Larry really thought that was cool. On down the road we stopped and watched the harvest of lemons, but the pictures didn’t turn out. There were many very large wooden boxes filled with thousands of lemons all picked that morning by about 25 people by hand. The pickers all wore heavy jackets to protect themselves from the lemon trees brutal thorns. It sure smelled good sitting there!

After we got back home it was off to do the laundry, we walked back to the trailer the long way so we got in a little exercise today. After I finished that it was do something or take a nap so we decided to drive into Yuma to Walmart and pick up the stuff on our list. There was a lot more traffic today, but the “old” remodeled Walmart wasn’t crazy crowded which was nice.

The rest of the afternoon and evening we just kicked back and relaxed, Larry outside reading and me inside because I kept creating a pile of yarn that I couldn’t take outside very easily. I was working on a new scarf and kept ripping out and starting over until I got what I was going for.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...