Thursday, July 14, 2011

More 7-14

Today the weather was pretty much as it has been and I did not pick up the camera all day....shocking, so these are more from yesterday.

We went into town today...which for us means Auburn.  It is the first time I have driven the Caddy further than to the store since we brought it home.  After driving and being passenger in a truck for almost 8 years, skimming along the ground looking at bumpers is taking some adjustment...AND I can't see over bushes and stuff now.  The other odd thing I am having to get used to is this car just seems to glide and float along so I almost got vertigo driving on the windy road.  It is really comfy too....I am hooked.  My only complaint is the stupid shoulder belt runs right across my neck...Larry is studying on how to fix that and I am using one of those cheap belt clip things, but it isn't an ideal solution.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...