Sunday, July 10, 2011

A lovely day 7-10

We started today with a walk, we went into town on an errand, I talked to a friend on the phone and worked in the garden.
You can't see me.
One of these crazy does has been spending the heat of the day under our back deck, but she scares the crud out of us when she gets scared by us and scrambles out and takes off.  There is a pair of hummingbirds that have staked out the garden as their territory and they are like annoying gnats to any other bird that comes into the garden.  They dive bomb, hover next to them chattering and will even sit right next to the perceived interloper and yell at them.  The hummers even check me out though so far haven't tried to attack, they'll hover close and sit on the fence right above my head and keep an eye on me...Larry says he is going to get a tennis racket to take care of them...he calls them baby buzzards, but they are really little bullies.

There is a gold finch nest in the asian pear tree.  I keep forgetting to post the pictures.

Today was cooler, a lovely day.

the backside of a clematis flower

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...