Friday, July 22, 2011

365! 7-22

Today is our 365th day of owning this place and today the last room was finished!  Woo hoo, the flooring was installed in the master bathroom!  Tomorrow will be the first anniversary...we moved the trailer into the back yard and got busy getting this place torn apart and put back together.  It has been a busy year, but now we can enjoy ourselves more this next year!  I haven't gotten pictures yet of the finished bathroom, I'll post them when I do of course.  This floor feels so much better, the old floor was peel and stick tiles that would have looked okay if they didn't have gaps and the glue showing through.  We didn't replace the countertop or the tile backsplashes, just did major cleanup of them.  These people didn't believe in taping things off before painting and certainly not cleaning anything off.  I think Larry was in there with a razor blade an entire day cleaning off the mirror and tiles of old paint.

I spent an hour or so taking pictures in the garden of the hummingbirds...gotta get them while the flowers are blooming!  I also learned from our flooring installer how to pinch back my gigantor tomato plants, so I spent time pinching, pruning and tieing up the crazy vines. 

Today the turkeys, deer, rabbit and fox all cruised through at different times along with the multitudinous birds...the yard is a wild kingdom movie right now.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...