Monday, March 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Lori 3-1

It was brought to my attention that for my sister Lori's birthday yesterday I neglected to give her a photo montage as has been my current custom. Today I am sitting in a hot trailer just to make my sister happy! Laugh, laugh, laugh!!!

I must reiterate that this here is MY BLOG, my story, my opinion! The photos are in no particular without further ado:

I howled over some of these pictures! The stories I could make up...AND there were others that I've left out. But she knows my sense of humor and fortunately she has one too! Hopefully she is in good humor today......Laugh, giggle, guffaw! The picture where she is sitting with her feet up was at the motel where she and her girls were staying in Oregon for the family reunion.
I must say she is the best sister ever and one of the best Registered Nurses on the planet...she cares and her patients know it. She is also a great Mom. Love you Lori!


~Andrea~ said...

She asked for it!!! Love the choice of pics! HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the deer glasses. I let a couple chuckles escape at work. HEHEHEHEHHEHEHE. watch what you say. =)


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...