Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Torturing Teeth 3-4

Now back to last night. They called it Country Junction USA on some ranch east of Wellton and it was in a big metal, cement floored was dinner and entertainment. The whole operation is family run and they are in the first years of getting their venture off the ground and they seem to be getting a good start.
It was $39.50 per couple for dinner, dessert, non-alcoholic beverages and the entertainment. The dinner was chicken fried steak, gravy, green beans, twice baked potato and of course a bisquit with apple pie for dessert. It was all hot and they got us all served pretty quickly, we got in line and they dished up our food and off we went.
The entertainer was Jack Jackson from Alberta, Canada who sang and played guitar and told corny jokes and his backup who was an incredible musician...burned up the fiddle and different guitars, whose name I can't remember, his first name was Armand. They had a guest steel guitar player and then a surprise guest who lives in Yuma and was the blazing guitar from the Venture's, a group big in the 60's...Nokie Edwards. He was slow getting to the stage, but his fingers still flew over the strings! It was a night of country classics and was fun.
Now for today. Larry did his laps and I did my Shred, then breakfast and getting ready for our trip to Mexico...digging out passports, getting our water and walking over to catch our ride.
Stan and Maxine were going so Maxine could get her crown installed and invited us along so off we went. We got into Mexico a little before 11:30 and strolled through town to the building housing Maxine's dentist. Just before we got there, at the restaurant across the street we ran into some of our home group that had gotten there earlier.
This dental office that Maxine's appointment was at was large and new and has a lot of staff, so we checked to see if we could get in, while waiting for Maxine, to get our teeth cleaned....well lucky us, they could fit us in.
Great because it saved us another trip and great because I didn't have time to worry about it....I really don't like going to the dentist. I was called back almost immediately and the experience was better than where we had gone three years ago. This place has very modern fact my teeth had never been cleaned with the technique used here today and even though I had some sensitivity, it was quick and my teeth, I feel are the cleanest they've ever been.
Larry joked when I came out about them using a Dremel on my teeth and I said yes, it seemed like something Then off he went and we were both cleaned and out of there in about a half hour.
Maxine was still in so we went off and did a little shopping and a took a few pictures of the town and then we wandered back. Most of the buildings in these pictures are dental offices...there are between 400 and 600 dentists in Los Algodones alone...amazing.
We met Stan and Maxine at the restaurant across the street and had a great, great lunch. My chicken enchiladas were the best ever...we all enjoyed our meals and there was live entertainment and the seating was outside in the shade.
After lunch it was off to get in line to get through customs. The end of the line was about the middle of the pond/river and it was warm, but not horrible. It took us over an hour and a half and as we were getting near the final squeeze shoot two women were brought through because they were ill...looked like heat related. We visited and I took pictures of the gorgeous bougainvillea that lined much of the waiting area.
When Larry and I wandered around shopping there didn't seem to be that many people, so all those people that are in that continuously long line must be in the multitudinous dental offices or the many little is a lot of people.
So we were back home around fourish. It was a nice, relaxing excursion in spite of the torture of my teeth. The low today was 57 and it got up to 80 today and with a breeze which helped a bit in that line...though we seemed to be mostly sheltered from it...
The couple in the pictures are Stan and Maxine and then Stan took one of us showing off our shiny teeth! I took several shots around Los Algodones and most of the buildings are dental offices and then the bougainvillea while in line.
For some reason this isn't breaking the paragraphs where they should be, so sorry if this all seems to run together.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...