Sunday, March 15, 2009

Killer Hike, Part 3 3-14

It was a relief to finally reach the bottom, and I didn’t care if I walked up another hill for awhile. We decided to walk back the vehicle road to see what we saw along it. It started out okay until we saw the good part we were on end at a locked gate with Highway 8 running past it.

Sadly the next part followed the power lines…never a good thing, so off we went. It was very rocky, like walking a dry river bed (some of it probably was), but the worst part was we came to a HILL….oh man, very steep and rocky, but up we climbed, then of course what goes up goes back down eventually.

My left arm was cooking in the sun by now, but we took one of my pant leg bottoms (if that made no sense to you, you’ll have to go back a posting) and stuffed it in my shirt sleeve and that worked real well to protect my arm from the sun. So after too long on this rocky, not fun road we met back up with the foot path…yahoo! It was easier to walk. The ocotillos were really dark green in the bottom compared to those up on the hillside.

Larry was in front and he was the one to spot this lizard sitting atop the boulder. I quickly got its portrait before it ran off, but it didn’t so I moved around the boulder to get its “good” side. It had the most amazing tail and for a lizard was quite attractive I thought (Larry disagreed, his strongly dislikes reptiles!). As I was shooting its picture Larry spotted another one, which posed nicely too. In the last picture if you look closely you will find both of the lizards, one is in the lower left area and the other is on the largest boulder…in the upper right of the photo. They were both good sized, not as large as the previous ugly brown lizard though.

We drank all our water up by the time we returned to the truck, where we had more, but even after guzzling several more glasses after returning home, it took awhile before any started running back out! Our bodies really soaked it up. We were home by 2:30 and were we ever pooped; as hard as it was I was glad I had done it because it was so pretty and I saw so many stunning flowers. We were happy that we didn’t see any snakes.

Today was an extremely lazy day…we couldn’t seem to get out of bed and get going…I think it was almost ten before we were dressed and ready to face the public! We wandered over to coffee, my legs were better today…at least the calves didn’t feel like they would snap if I moved too quickly, and we sat with a smaller group today. Some had gone into town for the air show at the Marine Base/Airport.

After returning home I spent the day trying to figure out and get set up on Facebook. I don’t know that I’ll participate much there, but who knows? It is just tedious, not a lot of information to tell you what’s what, but I called my daughter Andrea and she explained some of it. So we’ll see….

This evening was potluck around the campfire…boy will we be sad as everyone leaves….we might starve! Everyone was in fine form tonight….one woman walked into the wrong house, fortunately it was a friends, thinking it was hers; another poor gentleman was given grief for his very white ankles and feet at the pool…a friend yelled across the pool, “don’t forget to take your socks off”, his legs are very tan, but from the ankles down, not so because he wears socks and shoes; another story was how two gentleman HAD to put their hands up a woman’s shirt because she had toppled backwards in her chair and landed in cactus stickers….they were “helping”…um hum…. and on it went. No names to protect the non-innocent…tee hee.

Fun, fun, fun….it was 80 today, perfect.
You'll probably have to click on this last picture to see both of the lizards!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...