Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lots of Beauty 3-25

I found good subjects here in the park yesterday. Notice the bee in flight to the right of the cactus can see its cute little antenna and shiny wings.

There is a beautiful Ocotillo here too, it has no leaves and its thorny stems are silvery topped by the orange-yellow flowers, a stunning specimen.

Today was warmer than the last couple of days, it reached 84 and the wind stayed away, the low was 53. We did our walk, had coffee with warm from the oven cinnamon rolls (the best ever) made by Maxine from scratch and then did a little shopping. Then for dinner it was a wiener roast at Neil and Mavis's, everyone is trying to get their refrigerators emptied out. We all said good-bye to Don and Linda; they are heading back to Alberta tomorrow.

The painted lady butterflies were migrating again today, they are coming from Mexico and are heading north. My daughter wanted to know where the photos were of the migration but all you would see are dots ....they don't photograph very well so I haven't bothered trying.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...