Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hot in Yuma 3-19

I am in a noncreative mode right now so alls ya get are the facts and nuthin but the facts.

Today's low was 62 and it was lightly overcast today and the high was 93...very toasty.

I Shredded, but with the sloshing pounds of water I'm retaining in this heat it was like swimming up stream to get through my workout! Larry did his laps, we went over for the morning coffee gathering and had a nice visit and that was the extent of our ambition for the day.

At seven as it was finally cooling down we all gathered at Chuck and Fran's for coffee and was wonderful. All the Canadians are working at emptying their refrigerators and pantries before leaving for home, so it seems like we are in rotational feeding mode all of the time....Laugh! Two more couples will be leaving this week and the rest of us will be leaving the following week...poor Yuma.

Okay, apparently I lied...that was a bit more than just the facts, the muse must have been in hiding!

Oh, we are going to the live theater tomorrow evening so I may not get blogged and then we'll be gone a couple of days visiting friends in Palm Desert...and I don't know if I'll have internet access.....warning you now you morning may have to find something else to read with your coffee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Val for keeping us updated as to what goes on now that we aren't there checking up on whether or not you and Larry are keeping up with the walking. etc. When it is that hot one has to get up earlier, ha!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...