Friday, March 20, 2009

Hot and Sturgeon 3-20

I thought I had better get an early quick version up before we go out this evening. We are going to a play with friends and I suspect we'll be late getting home.

Today's low was 64 and it is 88 now at almost 3 p.m. so I suspect it'll reach 90 again today. I did two laps and Larry did three, the sun was very warm, more people were breaking down their winter homes in preparation for leaving soon.

We did laundry and then sat around melting in the heat...I know, poor, poor us.

Now I know some of you out there are fishermen so I wanted to share these pictures our friend Lou sent Larry of one of his recent catches from his boat out on the bay somewhere. A lovely prehistoric sturgeon, takes me back to my childhood when Mom and Dad would catch the ugly things. As I recall they are lots of fun to catch and are good eating. Way to go Lou!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...