Sunday, March 29, 2009

Agaves & Shopping 3-29

Larry tried to get his laps (these are one mile laps by the way) done before the wind came up today, but only got through about one and a half before it started blowing. I took the day off from exercise today, what a rebel...tee hee.

Our excursion today was to the Mall where we made a stop at Game Stop to get a video game for one of our Grandsons, then onto Joanne's where I picked up a skein of yarn, to Bed, Bath & Beyond for a super absorbent hair drying towel and then to Kohl's to pick up a few more colors of my new favorite t-shirts that were on sale.

There were a few different types of agave plants in bloom that caught my eye so we stopped so I could get their pictures. They are interesting looking plants, and the bees love their flowers and being desert plants they don't bother with petals, they just burst out with the basics for survival...stamens and pistils.

One of our neighbors pulled out today and another pair of our Canadian group left this morning...Clay and Lynn. The park had filled up the last few days with a Spring Rally group from somewhere and most all of them pulled out today too so now it is starting to look really empty around here, though there are still a surprising number of people about.

Today during the sunshine hours was windy and the high was 86...hopefully the wind quits for the next few days. The wind and fluctuating temperatures are why I like the Autumnal season better than Spring. I love the flowers of Spring, but not the erratic.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...