On Saturday we pried our bods out of bed and got busy getting ready to hit the road for our friends place in Palm Desert, California.
I received a phone call from the dentist office in Los Algodones in answer to an email I had sent them on Friday and I confirmed an appointment for Monday afternoon. We were planning on being back on Sunday.
By the time we were all packed up we left here at ten a.m., the computer said the drive would take less than 3 hours. Well, I don’t think going through an agriculture inspection station and TWO border patrol checkpoints were taken into the time consideration! It took us another 45 minutes or so to get through all of those, they were in California. We made a stop at Costco to pick up a couple of goodies and made a stop for some lunch and we didn’t arrive until after 2:30.
Deb and Cathy’s place is up against the mountains so they are a short walk from natural areas and up out of the wind tunnel area down by I-10. Their house is a lovely “mid-century modern” bungalow and is bright with Saltillo tile floors and a nice pool and has the split floor plan that makes it wonderful for guests.
We spent the afternoon visiting and catching up and then we took a ride to their favorite

Palm Desert is big on the arts and beautifying so there are flowers everywhere and art

We were going to come back on Sunday, but Deb thought we would be staying a few days, but we couldn’t do that with my dentist appointment on Monday which I wanted to keep…darn it, because there is a lot to see and do there…but now we know for future visits.
About two a.m. Sunday morning the wind started blowing and was blowing hard, it kept

We went to town to go through a few of Deb and Cathy’s favorite art galleries (Deb is a

The large pieces of palm “bark” that the wind had ripped off the trees were strewn all

We had first thought that we would go to Mexico on our way home on Monday until I remembered that we didn’t have our passports with us, so we just planned on leaving an hour earlier to get home first, get the passports, have some lunch and then head back over to Mexico.
We had a great, great time with our friends, we had great exchanges of ideas and I think we were all inspired after our visit! We look forward to getting together again!
On Monday before we left we discovered that the wind the day before was the worst in fourteen years and that the gusts were 70 mph. We were sure it would have been bad all the way back to Yuma and we didn’t really want our truck sandblasted.
We left as planned at 9 a.m. and got back to our trailer at noon…just three hours with no inspection stations! We had our lunch, got our passports, got back into the truck and headed for Mexico.
We trotted through town to the office. They were really busy, but I didn’t have to wait long and after an hour and a half of drilling out two old fillings and refilling and shaping of the new fillings I was done. I am a baby at the dentist…I was never hurt, but the fear, the Novocain, the lack of oxygen because I hold my breath too much, the being flat on my back with my eyes closed and my mouth hanging open that entire time, my hair standing off my head weirdly because it was squished by the dentist, and holding every muscle in my body tensed up I guess I looked kind of shaky and scary coming out of the back into the waiting area. I was elated that I had survived, but everyone kept asking me if I was all right as I emerged…I guess the numbness didn’t let my relieved happy face shine.
Then it was off to wait in the customs line, we got in line at four fifteen and didn’t get out until six oh three. We were entertained by an older man in front of us dickering and buying stuff from the sellers in line. The Customs agent I hit was being relieved and as she was leaving she opened my passport, asked if I had anything, I said no, dentist appointment and she waved me on through without even running my passport through the scanner. The last time I had to open my purse and my passport was scanned, you just never tell what they will do.
It was a really long day, mostly because of the torture I had to endure…..
Today was windy here and cool, we took our laps….I did three and Larry did five. During

The rest of the day I was trying to get caught up here and I had taken some photos

We caught the Prez’s speech and then the Dancing w/Stars result show and then we were reminded that it was Dairy Queen night, so as this will be the last one…tonight we were twelve and by next week we might be four…maybe even two; so we decided to go.
Now I am back, have showered and still need to get the pictures chosen and edited….I may run out of time and have to add the pictures tomorrow! It is already 10:30 p.m.

1 comment:
OHHHH Deb. Nice. i guess i didnt realize Deb Groesser.
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